Trellis Society

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Hashim's Story: Discovering a brighter future through Trellis’ youth shelter

For youth facing homelessness, they often carry the weight of family breakdown and trauma. At Avenue 15, the only youth emergency shelter in Calgary, every youth is offered a safe, supportive environment where they can heal and begin to build a strong future for themselves. This was the experience for one youth named Hashim.

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When Hashim arrived at Avenue 15, he struggled with trauma and anxiety caused by an unstable family environment. It came to the point where Hashim’s mental health was affecting his daily life, responsibilities and overall happiness.

“I was having a hard time to see myself, open up to people and express my opinion,” Hashim says. “I was always thinking about why I got here, not what I should be doing to continue on.”

As Hashim began working with his case worker Ally, he was able to share honestly about his mental health and take steps towards his wellbeing. Hashim also started to think about his own happiness and what he wanted for his future.

Thanks to the Trellis team’s guidance and care, Hashim experienced transformational growth and healing. Today, Hashim is living independently and continues to work with our Youth Transitioning to Adult program as he pursues his dream of becoming a business owner.

“It made me feel like I had a sense of belonging that I could never have achieved without me being here … any program that makes an impact on a youth’s life, emotionally or physically, should deserve all the support they need to help other youth achieve their goals and plan ahead for the future.”

With your help, more young people like Hashim will feel seen, loved and grow to their full potential. Please visit our Splash of Red website to make a donation today.