A New Chapter

Fostering Hope by Opening Your Home 

 Kelli Stevens was well into her career when she found herself at a crossroads. She now humorously calls this time an "early midlife crisis" as she found herself shifting her career path towards social work. She landed a role with the Suncor Energy Foundation, where today she champions philanthropic causes across Canada. Kelli felt settled and content as a single independent person but knew she had even more room in her life to give. During the impact of the pandemic and its induced solitude, Kelli stumbled upon a virtual information session hosted by Trellis, igniting a long-held desire to become a foster parent.  

“I have thought about being a foster parent for a long time. The first time I remember truly considering that it might be my path, I was 11, so around grade 6, and thought maybe one day… I would be a foster parent.” 

Kelli felt an undeniable pull to explore this deeply rooted desire. With a home of her own and a career offering flexibility, she contemplated the possibility of foster care with newfound clarity. Little did she know, this would lead her on a profound journey of self-discovery and compassion, with Trellis guiding her every step of the way. 

With all the paperwork and safety checks required, becoming a foster parent usually takes around six months. But Kelli intentionally took her time, ensuring that each decision was carefully considered and that every step was right for her. Kelli worked alongside the Trellis Foster Care team to address questions, concerns and was reaffirmed in her belief that sometimes, the most meaningful changes unfold gradually, with patience and perseverance.  

Fourteen months later, Kelli stood ready to embark on a new chapter filled with the promise of making a difference in the lives of children during a difficult time in their life. 

Kelli’s first foster child was Sarah, a six-year-old who was wonderful and easy to care for. However, as prepared as Kelli felt to become a foster parent, it definitely required an adjustment period to go from a single independent lifestyle to parenting a little person around the clock. Kelli emphasizes the support she received from the Trellis foster care team at that time, who provided her with both emotional reassurance and practical solutions, helping to navigate the unique challenges when you foster on your own.  

“I felt really supported by Maria and her team, they let me know it was OK to be feeling that way and they were fantastic with different solutions and supports.” 

During the short time Sarah was in her care, Kelli had the opportunity to observe the little girl reaching important educational and social milestones, a joy she imagines real parents also experience with their own children. 

While staying with Kelli, Sarah's relatives were found, and they were eager to care for her and embrace her into their own family. Recognizing the importance of this moment for Sarah, Kelli quickly became not just a caregiver but a cheerleader. She worked with the family to support a smooth transition, limiting the stress for Sarah and ensuring she felt safe during what could be another confusing time in her young life.  

In the beginning she would take Sarah for sleepovers at the new house, giving her the chance to get to know her new family without completely disrupting the routines she was used to. Then on moving day, Kelli was there for the celebration, complete with Timbits and ‘fancy lemonade’. 

Many people are often wary of fostering as they worry about becoming too attached, or that the process of watching a child transition out of their home will be too difficult. And, of course it is hard!  

“It was really, really hard to have her go. Even with all of this ongoing connection, it’s just like, I was finally adjusting to that big change I talked about… then I was adjusting to losing her.” 

But despite the bittersweet nature of saying goodbye, Kelli knows that their time together left a lasting impact on both their lives. Recently, Kelli was delighted to receive an update from the family, sharing a video of an excited Sarah during her very first trip in an airplane! These small moments, thoughtfully shared by Sarah’s family, remind Kelli that she played a pivotal role in reuniting a family and in the story that they will create together, a story filled with hope, love, and endless possibilities.  

Since then, Kelli has continued to open her heart and home to other children who need a safe place to find hope.  

Angela Clarke