Celebrating One Year with Family Resource Network
The Family Resource Network hosted lots of fun programs online like this Candy Chemistry science workshop for youth.
2020 was an eventful year to say the least. For Trellis’ Family Resource Network (FRN) team, it meant starting up during the middle of a pandemic.
In just the first year of their journey, the FRN team showed incredible resiliency and creativity. Together they navigated funding changes, built a new team, started programs from scratch and expanded their reach to new geographic locations, all while learning to offer a variety of virtual programming. The FRN team had their work cut out for them, but in a year full of twists and turns they have a lot to celebrate.
New Opportunities
While settling into their new FRN Hubs, the network bridged so many different gaps by providing one-to-one support, especially for children, youth and families with complex needs.
In one instance, a client was referred to the FRN for parenting support. It quickly became apparent that they and their family faced a multitude of barriers, making it difficult for them to access the supports they needed. The team came alongside this parent and connected them with community resources, basic need services and financial aids to address their pressing situation.
Staff also worked with them in Circle of Security, a program which helps parents to strengthen relationships with their children. On top of that, the parent registered their child for the Kids Have Stress Too program to help them understand and manage their stress in healthy ways.
Our fearless team at Family Resource Network.
Only Up from Here
Getting over the mountain of this year, the FRN team feels confident and eager about serving families when and where they’re needed most. They have lots of exciting programs lined up, and they can’t wait for when their centres are once again bustling with families and little ones!
Congratulations to all the staff on the FRN team on an amazing first year!