How Trellis Transforms the Lives of 2SLGBTQIA++ Youth

David Guillen has witnessed firsthand the transformative power of the Trellis Society’s 2SLGBTQIA++ initiatives specifically through the Aura program that he works with. David has been with Trellis for over two years working as a case manager for the Aura program, however to him, it is so much more. Homelessness disproportionately affects 2SLGBTQIA++ youth more than their straight/cis peers, a disparity that is directly related to societal attitudes and beliefs around their sexuality and gender identity. This is what makes programs like Aura so crucial in Calgary.

What is Aura?
The Aura program is a housing program that works specifically with young people, ages 16-24, who identify as 2SLGBTQIA++. The main focus of the Aura program is to secure these young people housing while also maintaining it. Clients of the program are either actively facing homelessness or are at risk of facing homelessness. These youth are often victims of unsafe living conditions frequently due to family conflicts related to their queer identities. It is the Aura program’s job to find these youth housing that is safe and welcoming and that lets them develop who they are. In addition to finding safe housing for the youth, the Aura program has a myriad of support systems for the youth such as life skill building, connection and referrals, emotional and mental health supports, goal setting, financial support and a rental subsidy that aims to make housing more affordable. By addressing critical areas such as those mentioned, Aura helps these young people find a stable sense of self.

“It is a role that really gives a chance for me to learn about the young people I work with, what their dreams and aspirations for their lives are, and supporting and empowering them to make it happen”

These programs provide essential support for the young people who are facing homelessness and housing instability, aiming to find a safe and welcoming environment for the youth where they can grow and thrive. This support is particularly critical for 2SLGBTQIA++ youth, who, in the current tense political climate, are especially vulnerable and more likely to slip through the cracks in our community.

A Safe Space for All: Iris Place
Iris Place is an afforable-housing solution that offers a more immersive support system where young people can live in a supportive space and learn essential life skills. This queer-affirming space, which consists of a manager, a supportive roommate and David, the Case Manager, offers a nurturing environment for youth to explore their identities and prepare for independent living. If able, can you add a quote here about Iris Place specifically (you could ask Alyssa too – she is at Zurich often).

Building Relationships and Community
David’s role involves building deep, supportive relationships with the youth at Trellis. He provides support to youth in many ways, from helping them move into homes to meeting for coffee to offer mentorship and guidance, with the goal of assisting them in whatever way they need. David emphasizes the importance of connecting the youth with natural supports such as friends and family to help them lean on non-professional supports while fostering a sense of community.

Overcoming Challenges and Measuring Success
When asked to reflect on one of the most challenging parts of his job, David shared how he finds it hard to recognize the limits of what can be done as a social worker. He mentioned how it can be difficult to recognize that not every youth is ready to receive help and that despite this deep feeling of wanting to help, he cannot force anything with regards to some youth. However, David measures success through both quantitative metrics, such as reporting back to funders on housing stability, measuring mental health improvements by questionnaires, and qualitative experiences such as when a disengaged youth reaches out for support.

“I see it as an open conversation about what they want for their future, especially after a period where they were unable to see their own strengths and goals for themselves… seeing that like empowerment within them and seeing their growth.”

Inspiring Growth and Change
For David, the most rewarding part of the job is seeing the growth in the youth that he supports. Being able to walk by their side and help them recognize the power that they hold within themselves is a part of the job that David finds most rewarding. Seeing all of the opportunities that are now presented to the youth, whether that’s achieving stable housing, improving mental health, staying sober or reconnecting with their families, is nothing less than inspiring. These success stories are a true testament to the hard work and resilience of the youth and the effectiveness of the programs. Each transformation story not only highlights the positive impact on the individual but also reinforces David’s passion for social work.

An Inspiring Story
When asked to share an impactful story, David decided to share multiple client impact stories in his own words, “There are just so many success stories - I could not, and should not, just focus on one.” Since working in the programs David has worked with many youth who came into the program and faced multiple challenges. This may include housing instability, often due to family conflicts surrounding queer identities; many of the youth who come into the program are not yet fully affirmed into their queer identities yet. Others come into the program with complex physical and mental health needs, including substance use issues. This can often create challenges with employment, education and family life which leads to the youth having difficulty developing life skills in supportive environments. Others sometimes already possess these skills but have not been listened to or seen by those in their lives. That is where David’s support comes in.

As David has worked with the youth, he has seen them drastically improve their situations. Whether that be improving their mental health, overcoming addictions, finishing/ continuing school or re-connecting with their natural supports, these success stories are what have kept David’s passion for social work alive. All of the youth that David has worked with have left a long-lasting impact on him. Being able to support them on their journey and see them grow has shown David how to be a better support person for other youth to come. Do we have a specific example here? We can change the client’s name etc. otherwise, I would condense this section.

Personal Growth and Future Aspirations
David’s experiences with the Trellis Society have profoundly impacted him. Patience, better listening skills and the importance of reciprocal relationships are just some of the attributes that he has learned. David continues to evolve both personally and professionally due to the inspiration that the youth provide him. The resilience and the growth that the youth demonstrate inspire David to dedicate himself to creating a world where social work is no longer needed.

“I think a goal of social work should be to create a world where social work isn't needed.”

Final Thoughts
Trellis Society’s work emphasizes the complexity of 2SLGBTQIA++ youth homelessness and the critical need for extensive support systems. The Aura program isable to make significant differences in the lives of 2SLGBTQIA++ youth by providing safe and empowering spaces for youth where they can recognize their strengths and potential. These reciprocal relationships allow for growth between employees and youth. Employees, such as David, are able to grow professionally and personally while the youth are able to look towards a brighter and hopeful future.

Angela Clarke