Guiding the next generation: Former youth returns as Stampede supervisor, 20 years later
Jennifer Greenway joined our Stampede Work Experience program when she was a youth. Every year since, she has returned as a supervisor to give other youth the same great experience she had.
Over the last 50 years Trellis has proudly partnered with the Calgary Stampede to host the Stampede Work Experience program for thousands of youth. However, this program is more than just a summer job. It is a place where youth are accepted and supported, sometimes for the first time in their lives, so that they can gain the experience and skills to become who they want to be.
For long-time supervisor Jennifer Greenway, the Stampede Work Experience program became her second home. She loved her experience working as a youth, so much so that she returned as a team supervisor — a role she has continued to embrace every summer.
Early years at Stampede
Jennifer first applied to work at Stampede with Trellis when she was 16 years old. At the time, much of her home life was focused on her mother’s battle with cancer. She remembers being very shy and closed off, but the program gave her a place to go have fun and find people who would bring out the best in her.
Trellis staff and team supervisors in particular had a significant impact on Jennifer. It was through their encouragement that she was able to open up and gain the confidence to believe in herself.
Youth cleaning up the Stampede grounds in the early days. This year marks our 50th anniversary running the Stampede Work Experience program.
“They heard me and guided me. They told me that I'm amazing at my job and I need to be who I am,” Jennifer says. “I was always down on myself and didn’t think I was good enough to be there. I realized that I am, I have the skill, and I can.”
After five years working in the program, Jennifer applied to be a leader so that she could make a difference for youth just as her role models did for her. Now 38, she hasn’t missed a summer since.
“I have loved Trellis, and I always come back,” Jennifer says. “It's something that makes you feel good to be there. Youth should have that. Youth should know that this is a special place, and people are there to support them.”
Coming Full Circle Again
Jennifer (left) and one of our amazing cleanup crews. Every day at Stampede, youth work together as a team to keep the grounds spick and span.
Working as a program staff has been one of the most rewarding experiences, Jennifer says, especially when she watches her youth grow and become leaders themselves. She recalls one year when a youth was being picked on. Jennifer sat those team members down and said she was sending them home. She emphasized that if they wanted to be there, they needed to work together and respect one another. The next day the team surprised everyone when they showed up early, ready to work and with a better mindset.
The best part, though, was seeing that one youth blossom and eventually return as a Stampede supervisor, just like Jennifer.
Jennifer and Sherry Huang, Stampede Work Experience Facilitator.
“It makes me feel so amazing that they have seen what I have done, and they want to achieve their goals,” Jennifer says. “That's what I want to be — somebody that youth look up to. It’s an honour to come back here every year.”
As Jennifer gets ready for another busy Stampede season, she is excited to help create an unforgettable experience that youth can take with them long after the summer ends.
“Whatever you're doing, whether that's picking up garbage, pulling barrels, it's all a matter of what you make of it,” she says. “The most important thing is to have fun, and I hope the youth learn and grow be the individuals that they want to be. I hope that they see all the importance that they have in this life.”
Trellis’ Stampede Work Experience program accepts new applications every year. To learn more and find out how to apply, please contact or follow our Youth Employment team on Instagram @trellisyouthemployment for more opportunities.