Calgary landlords wanted: Their vital role in ending homelessness
“Many of our clients face enormous barriers. A home gives more than just a shelter. It gives hope, safety and stability. Allowing someone a chance at having a place to call home can literally be life-changing.”
On November 22nd, National Housing Day, we are reminded of the importance and need for safe, affordable housing. We also recognize the enormous impact our partnering landlords make in ending homelessness for the children, youth and families we serve.
In this past year alone, our Sustainable Families program housed 150 families in community housing. Home Stay also prevented 292 families from experiencing homeless by providing immediate access to housing support. Ninety-eight of these families were diverted from having to access family shelter.
None of this would be possible without the support of Calgary landlords.
Zizi’s story
Last April, we met a young person named Zizi. After she and her family immigrated to Canada, Zizi integrated into Canadian schools and ways of life. When she chose to no longer adhere to the strict religious rules her parents insisted on, she was disowned by her family and forced into homelessness.
Zizi resorted to couch surfing but her options were running thin. As a student, Zizi’s strained relationship with her family and the constant worry of trying to stay off the streets was all she could focus on. Eventually, she dropped out of school.
“I used to think about me not having a shelter and not being safe,” Zizi says. “I was all over the place. I wouldn’t eat that much. I didn't have the energy to do anything.”
With no financial means or supports, Zizi was referred to Infinity, one of our housing first programs for youth .
As Zizi was only 16 years old it was difficult to find market-level housing since many landlords will only consider tenants over the age of 18. Thankfully, Zizi was able to obtain housing when she met a wonderful landlord named Abhi.
“I felt really happy, and I felt safe too, ” Zizi says. “When I called and he accepted me, it just changed my whole day.”
Since then, Zizi has adjusted well to living independently and has a great relationship with Abhi, who has called Zizi “his best customer ever”. She has also returned to school where she participates in sports and has great aspirations for her future.
“It's better because I don't have to think of having a home. I used to worry a lot, but now I have a shelter and food and education. That's all I need in my life.”
Access to a safe home is the foundation of the Housing First philosophy. Without the support of landlords in our community, we would not be able to provide these life saving programs to children, youth and families.
If you are a landlord interested in learning more about how you can partner with Trellis contact us at 403-219-3477 to speak with one of our Housing Liaisons.